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UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Ms. Sigrid Kaag visited the UAE today where she met with H.E. Assistant Foreign Minister for security and military affairs, H.E.
Beirut, Lebanon
Sunday, 8 May 2016United Nations Special Coordinator Ms. Sigrid Kaag welcomed the launch of the municipal elections in Lebanon today.
During a tour of several polling centres in Beirut, Ms. Kaag noted “I am glad to see Lebanese voting this morning".
United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Ms. Sigrid Kaag, met Friday 29 April in Moscow with Deputy Foreign Minister, Mr. Mikhail Bogdanov and other senior Russian officials.
The United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Ms. Sigrid Kaag, yesterday met with French Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Jean-Marc Ayrault and other senior officials from the Foreign Ministry and Quai d'Orsay in Paris.
Tripoli, Lebanon
Friday, 25 March 2016 I am standing here in Nahr El-Bared camp.
UNHQ, New York18 March 2016The following is a near-verbatim transcript of today’s noon briefing by Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesman for the Secretary-General:
UN Special Coordinator Sigrid Kaag briefed the Security Council in a closed session yesterday on the situation in Lebanon and the implementation of Security Council Resolution 1701. The briefing follows the release of the Secretary-General’s latest report on the implementation of resolution 1701
Beirut, Lebanon Thursday, 03 March 2016
The United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Ms. Sigrid Kaag, yesterday met with Iranian Government officials in Tehran.
Beirut, Lebanon Thursday, 21 January 2016 United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon Ms. Sigrid Kaag met this afternoon with Minister of Interior and Municipalities Nohad Mashnouk.