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7 September 2024LAU Byblos Campus
The Secretary-General is deeply concerned by the significant increase in the exchanges of fire across the Blue Line. These actions put both the Lebanese and Israeli populations at risk, as well as threatening regional security and stability.
“In light of worrying developments across the Blue Line since the early morning, UNSCOL nd UNIFIL call on all to cease fire and refrain from further escalatory action.
As Lebanon marks four years since the devastating Beirut Port explosion, UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert met with families of some of the victims.
In response to questions about the strikes in the southern suburbs of Beirut, Lebanon, the Spokesperson has the following to say:
We deplore the death of civilians - young children and teenagers - in Majdal Shams. Civilians must be protected at all times.
In response to questions regarding the rocket attack on a football ground in the Israeli-occupied Golan, the Spokesperson has the following to say: