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  1. UN Special Coordinator Derek Plumbly after meeting Defense Minister Samir Mokbel

    25 July 2014 Yarzeh, Lebanon Tuesday, 22 July 2014 ...

  2. ESCWA marks International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People at UN House in Beirut

    28 November 2014 Beirut, Lebanon Friday, 28 November 2014 ...

  3. UN and Partners Hold Conference to Encourage Women Candidacy in Municipal Elections

    4 March 2016 Beirut, Lebanon Thursday, 03 March 2016 ...

  4. SG Ban Ki-moon Remarks at the Palestine Refugee Camp of Nahr El-Bared

    25 March 2016 Tripoli, Lebanon Friday, 25 March 2016 I am standing here in Nahr El-Bared ...

  5. Twitter Q&A with SCL Sigrid Kaag

    20 September 2016... Live Twitter Q&A with UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon @SigridKaag on Monday , 26 September from 16:00 to 17:00 ...

  6. UN Film Festival (4-5 November 2016)

    13 October 2016... Nations is organizing its first UN film festival in Beirut, Lebanon on 4 and 5 November 2016. The event will take place at Gemmayzeh ...

  7. UN Special Coordinator visits Roumieh prison

    21 October 2016... The United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Ms. Sigrid Kaag, visited today Roumieh Prison. ...

  8. Conference on Role of Media as a Bridge for Civilizations and Importance of Ethical Reporting

    20 March 2017 Special Coordinator Kaag speaking at conference on media as a bridge for civilizations The National News Agency launched a two-day conference on the role of  media as a bridge among civilizations and a focal ...

  9. Open Security Council Arria-formula Meeting Encourages Increased Participation of Women in Global Conflict Prevention and Mediation

    27 March 2017 Special Coordinator Kaag speaking at the Arria-formula meeting on women participation in peace, security and mediation (UN Photo) The Arria-formula meeting on Women, Peace and Security and Mediation took plac...

  10. UNSCOL staff visit Zahia Kaddoura public school in Beirut

    20 February 2018 UNSCOL in discussion with students from Zahia Kaddoura public school (Photo/UNSCOL Maria Sakr) UNSCOL staff with students from Zahia Kaddoura public school in Beirut (Photo/UNSCOL Maria Sakr) ...
