Joint Press Statement of the ISG on the Election of Lebanon President
Joint Press Statement issued by International Support Group for Lebanon (ISG)
Comprising the United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon and Ambassadors of the Arab League, China, the European Union, France, Germany, Italy, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States
Beirut, Lebanon
31 October 2016
The members of the International Support Group for Lebanon congratulate Mr. Michel Aoun on his election today as President of the Republic of Lebanon. They welcome the election of a President as a long-awaited step to overcome Lebanon’s political and institutional crisis. They hope that it will give the Lebanese people renewed confidence and will pave the way for broader political progress.
The members of the ISG stress the importance for domestic and regional stability of Lebanon’s continued commitment to the Baabda Declaration and relevant UN Security Council resolutions, including resolution 1701 (2006), as well as respect for its international obligations.
As called for in their earlier statements and in the Presidential Statement of the Security Council of 22 July, the members of the ISG underscore the need to advance at this time with the formation of a Government as soon as possible as well as with the election of a Parliament by May 2017, in accordance with the Constitution. The members of the ISG note that further international support for Lebanon will be facilitated by the reactivation of Lebanese State institutions, in particular a unified and functioning government, and stand ready to engage to that end with such a government, once it is formed. The members of the ISG encourage all Lebanese parties to work constructively to that end, and further call on Lebanon’s regional partners to remain supportive of such efforts.
The members of the ISG thank Speaker Nabih Berri for his efforts at fostering continued dialogue among all Lebanese parties.
The members of the ISG further thank Prime Minister Tamam Salam for his leadership throughout this difficult period.