Press Releases

  • 03 Apr 2017 - By Philippe Lazzarini As the seventh year of conflict in Syria begins, Lebanon faces overwhelming socioeconomic, security and demographic challenges. It hosts more than one million people who have fled the brutal conflict in Syria and this, together with the economic slow down...
  • Special Coordinator Kaag speaking at the Arria-formula meeting on women participation in peace, security and mediation (UN Photo)

    27 Mar 2017 - The Arria-formula meeting on Women, Peace and Security and Mediation took place at the UN Security Council this week to discuss ways of increasing the participation of women in global conflict prevention and mediation and strengthening the role of women in peace processes.  Co-...
  • UN Special Coordinator Kaag and Deputy Special Coordinator Lazzarini meet President Aoun at Baabda Palace (Photo by Dalati&Nohra)

    24 Mar 2017 - United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon Ms. Sigrid Kaag and United Nations Deputy Special Coordinator Mr. Philippe Lazzarini met with the President of the Republic of Lebanon, H.E. Michel Aoun at the Baabda Palace. The meeting took place ahead of President Aoun's...
  • Special Coordinator Kaag speaking at conference on media as a bridge for civilizations

    20 Mar 2017 - The National News Agency launched a two-day conference on the role of  media as a bridge among civilizations and a focal point for dialogue. The conference highlighted the role of the media as a bridge among civilizations but also underlined the responsibility of the media for...
  • A moment of silence observed at UNSCOL in solidarity with the Syrian people 

    15 Mar 2017 - Under The Rubble I Spy a Child’s Doll Under the rubble, I spy a child’s doll Is there anyone here? I desperately call I arrived in a town For many it was home Now there is nothing but carnage, And buildings standing alone The shadows they cast are ever so dark As dark as the...
  • 08 Mar 2017 - By Philippe Lazzarini Today we celebrate international women´s day, a day that was first observed in 1909, and has since grown in importance and scope. While the early calls for women´s rights to vote have been heard, the day continues to be important as gender equality has...
  • Special Coordinator Kaag with the President of Social Way Wafaa Khoury and former Prime Minister Najib Mikati

    02 Mar 2017 - On the occasion of International Women’s Day, the non-governmental organization “Social Way” paid tribute to UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Sigrid Kaag and her efforts for Lebanon. “By paying tribute to Mrs. Sigrid Kaag, we honor all the women in the world who have excelled...
  • 28 Feb 2017 - UN Deputy Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator Philippe Lazzarini Remarks at the Launch of the Ministry of State for Women’s Affairs   I am very pleased to be here with you today. The establishment of a ministerial portfolio to address women...
  • 22 Feb 2017 - Joint Statement of the International Support Group for Lebanon The Members of the International Support Group (ISG) reaffirm their commitment to the stability and security of Lebanon. The current political momentum has re-activated Lebanon's institutions of state. The ISG...
  • 20 Feb 2017 - International funding for Lebanon in 2016 amounted to USD 1.9 billion, as shown by the funding update released by the Office of the United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Lebanon. This amount includes a total of USD 1.57 billion disbursed by donors in 2016 and...
