Special Coordinator Holds Round of Meetings on Lebanon Stability

9 May 2024

Special Coordinator Holds Round of Meetings on Lebanon Stability

UN Special Coordinator Joanna Wronecka continued her round of meetings with Lebanese officials and stakeholders to discuss the importance of safeguarding Lebanon’s security and stability and addressing the country’s political and socio-economic challenges.  In discussions with caretaker Foreign Minister Abdallah Bouhabib, focus was on the ongoing diplomatic de-escalation efforts and the need to halt the exchange of fire across the Blue Line and to chart a path forward to full implement Security Council Resolution 1701. The Special Coordinator also raised with caretaker Interior Minister Bassam Mawlawi the importance of delivering on Lebanon’s constitutional obligations to preserve the country’s democratic practices and lessons learned from Lebanon’s past electoral experiences. She also discussed with the Director of the Internal Security Forces Maj. Gen. Imad Othman the security situation in Lebanon.  The Special Coordinator also met with parliamentarians from different political affiliations and spiritual leaders to better assess the situation.