UN Secretary-General Appoints Mr. Derek Plumbly of the UK as the UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon
Beirut, Lebanon
Monday, 16 January 2012
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has appointed Mr. Derek Plumbly of the United Kingdom as his Special Coordinator for Lebanon. He will succeed Mr. Michael Williams of the United Kingdom who served in Lebanon from August 2008 until September 2011.
The Secretary-General is grateful for Mr. Williams’ service to the United Nations.
Mr. Plumbly is one of the United Kingdom’s most senior diplomats with a distinguished career in international affairs spanning over 35 years. He has held important British Foreign and Commonwealth Office posts dealing with the Middle East. Most recently he was Chairman of the Assessment and Evaluation Commission charged with monitoring implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in Sudan (2008 to 2011).
Mr. Plumbly has served as UK’s Ambassador to Egypt (2003-2007) and Saudi Arabia (2000-2003). He also held the Foreign and Commonwealth Office posts of Director, Middle East and North Africa (1997 to 2000) and International Drugs Coordinator, Director of Drugs and Crime (1996-1997). From 1992 to 1996, Mr. Plumbly served as Head of Chancery at the UK Mission to the UN in New York.
Mr. Plumbly holds a BA Hons, Politics, Philosophy and Economics from the Oxford University. He is an Arabic speaker
Born in 1948, Mr. Plumbly is married and has three children.
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