Press Releases

  • Special Coordinator Kubis Visits Lebanese army watchtower at eastern Lebanon border

    18 Jun 2019 - Today, the UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Jan Kubis visited the 6th Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) Intervention Regiment and the Central Training Centre for Border Management in Rayak in eastern Lebanon as well as a watchtower of the 3rd Land Border Regiment and a LAF...
  • 30 Apr 2019 - The United Nations has launched its second annual report for the year 2018 on the implementation of the UN Strategic Framework for Lebanon 2017-2020 (UNSF). The four-year...
  • Special Coordinator Kubis vists MARCH non-governmental organization in Tripoli

    17 Apr 2019 - UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Jan Kubis, yesterday visited the city of Tripoli in north Lebanon. It was an opportunity for the UN Special Coordinator to get a closer look at the political, security and socio-economic situation in Lebanon’s second largest city and the role...
  • UN Special Coordinator Jan Kubis at Arsal municipality

    21 Mar 2019 - UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Jan Kubis, today visited the areas of Arsal and Baalbek in the Baalbek-Hermel Governorate in north-eastern Lebanon.   In Baalbek, the Special Coordinator met with Governor Bachir Khodr and separately with...
  • 14 Mar 2019 - Today, the United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Mr. Jan Kubis and the Director of UNRWA Affairs in Lebanon, Mr. Claudio Cordone, visited the Palestine refugee camp of Ein El Hilweh in southern Lebanon. It was Mr. Kubis’ first visit to a Palestine refugee camp in...
  • 11 Feb 2019 - Mr. Ján Kubiš arrived today in Beirut to take up his new position as United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon. He was received by an official from the Ministryof Foreign Affairs at Beirut Rafik Hariri international airport. “I am very pleased to be here in Beirut at a...
  • 08 Feb 2019 - Security Council Press Statement on Lebanon 8 February 2019 The members of the Security Council welcomed the announcement on 31 January 2019 of the formation of a national unity government in Lebanon, and congratulated Prime Minister Saad Hariri and his Cabinet. They welcomed...
  • 04 Feb 2019 - The National Strategy for Preventing Violent Extremism was adopted on 27 March 2018. The Strategy provides the national objectives, policies and plans to prevent violent extremism in the short-, medium- and long-...
  • 01 Feb 2019 - Statement attributable to the Spokesman for the Secretary-General on the formation of a new Government in Lebanon The Secretary-General welcomes the announcement of the formation of a new Government of Lebanon. He congratulates Prime Minister Saad Hariri and Lebanon’s...
  • Lebanon and the UN launch Lebanon Crisis Response Plan Appeal at the Grand Serail (UNRCO Photo)

    31 Jan 2019 - Lebanon's Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri, together with UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator Philippe Lazzarini and caretaker Minister of Social Affairs Pierre Bou Assi, launched the 2019 update of the Lebanon Crisis Response Plan (2017-2020) at the Grand Serail in...
