Press Releases

  • 15 Mar 2018 - Rome, 15 March 2018 Today the wider the Middle East is in a mess. The clear symbol of that mess is the endless and bloody conflict in Syria and the dramatic suffering of the Syrian people, but in this mess there is a positive exception. That exception is...
  • 15 Mar 2018 - THE SECRETARY-GENERAL--REMARKS AT MINISTERIAL MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT GROUP FOR LEBANONRome, 15 March 2018[As delivered] Thank you for coming together in support of the people and institutions of Lebanon.Allow me to begin by recalling my close ties with Lebanon and...
  • UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres at UNRWA conference in Rome (Photo The Daily Star-Joseph Habboush)

    15 Mar 2018 - THE SECRETARY-GENERAL -- REMARKS AT MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE ON SUPPORT FOR THE UNITED NATIONS RELIEF AND WORKS AGENCY FOR PALESTINE REFUGEES IN THE NEAR EAST Rome, 15 March 2018 Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank Egypt, Jordan and Sweden for co-chairing this gathering. I also welcome...
  • UN Secretary-General with UN Senior Management Group (UN Photo)

    08 Mar 2018 - THE SECRETARY-GENERALMESSAGE ON INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAYNew York, 8 March 2018 Women’s Day 2018: Progress for women is progress for all We are at a pivotal moment for women’s rights. The historical and structural inequalities that have allowed oppression and discrimination to...
  • UN Special Coordinator Kardel meets Syrian refugees at a tented settlement in Qab Elias

    28 Feb 2018 - Acting UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Pernille Kardel today visited the Bekaa, in east Lebanon. She met with Syrian refugees at a tented settlement in Qab Elias and heard their accounts of the challenges they faced, particularly those faced by women and youth. She also...
  • 12 Feb 2018 - International funding for Lebanon in 2017 amounted to USD 1.68 billion, as shown by the funding update released by the Office of the United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Lebanon. This amount includes a total of USD 1.37 billion disbursed by donors in 2017...
  • 10 Feb 2018 -
    The Secretary-General is following closely the alarming military escalation throughout Syria and the dangerous spillover across its borders.
    The latest events come as the Syrian people...
  • 01 Feb 2018 - Today Prime Minister Saad Hariri, together with UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator Philippe Lazzarini and Minister for Social Affairs Pierre Bou Assi, launched the 2018 update of the Lebanon Crisis Response Plan (LCRP) 2017-2020. As the conflict in Syria approaches its...
  • ASG for Political Affairs Miroslav Jenca and Acting UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Pernille Kardel meet President Michel Aoun (Photo-DalatiNohra)

    26 Jan 2018 - United Nations Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs, Mr. Miroslav Jenča, visited Lebanon from 25 to 26 January 2018. He met with President Michel Aoun, Speaker Nabih Berri, Minister of Interior Nouhad Machnouk and Lebanese Armed Forces Commander General Joseph Aoun...
  • Acting UN Special Coordinator Pernille Kardel Meets Lebanon Prime Minister Saad Hariri (Photo/Dalati-Nohra)

    22 Jan 2018 -
    Acting UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Pernille KardelRemarks at the Press Stakeout After Meeting Prime Minister Saad Hariri 
    I just had a really useful and...
