Remarks of Acting UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Pernille Kardel on UN Day

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24 Oct 2018

Remarks of Acting UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Pernille Kardel on UN Day

UN Acting Special Coordinator for Lebanon Pernille Dahler Kardel

Remarks on UN Day

Beit Beirut, Beirut

Wednesday, 24 October 2018


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Thank you for joining us to celebrate United Nations Day. Allow me first to thank the Governor of Beirut, Mr. Ziad Shbib, for making it possible for us to gather in this historic building.

Today, we mark the entry into force of the UN Charter on 24 October 1945. 73 years later, we recommit to the values and principles of the Charter.

The UN was established to prevent war and human suffering by promoting a rules-based international order. Today, multilateralism matters more than ever but it is also being challenged. To stay relevant, the UN needs to be more integrated and coherent.

The UN Secretary-General has also prioritized a more robust approach to prevention, recognizing that ultimately the best type of prevention is sustainable and inclusive development. This is why one of the main areas of focus for the UN is the ambitious 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Of course, progress towards the 2030 Agenda requires maintaining peace and political stability. As the senior representative of the Secretary-General in Lebanon, I will spare no effort towards this end, through my good offices.

Today, staff from 26 different UN entities have come together at Beit Beirut to celebrate our partnership with Lebanon and showcase our diverse work in support of the country.

All of us are thankful to Lebanon for the many contributions towards making our organization better and more relevant – including through the work of so many talented and dedicated Lebanese UN staff members, both in this country and abroad.

The scope of our work is vast but our ultimate objectives are the same: to support Lebanon in maintaining peace and security, while improving socio-economic conditions and promoting respect of human rights.

These are no easy tasks but we are certain that – with our continued partnership – they are something that can be achieved.

In this regard, the UN looks forward to the formation of Lebanon’s new government of national unity. We hope this is a process that will conclude very soon. Strong and effective institutions are key to Lebanon’s political and economic stability.

Thank you for working with us to support Lebanon and thank you for coming tonight to celebrate the UN.