Special Coordinator Kaag Praises Launch of the Sustainable Energy Strategy of the Lebanese Armed Forces
UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Sigrid Kaag attended the launch of the EU-funded “Sustainable Energy Strategy of the Lebanese Armed Forces” organized by the Ministry of Defense and the Lebanese Army. Ms. Kaag praised the Lebanese plan to introduce sustainable energy policies and practices in the military establishment. “This strategy is the first of its kind in the Middle East and even beyond. It is truly unique that a national military force takes the initiative to lead by example and commit to perform its duties using environmentally-friendly and climate-considerate approaches,” Special Coordinator Kaag said at the event. “The Strategy is aligned with the 2030 agenda and Lebanon’s commitments to the United Nation Convention on Climate Change, particularly the Paris Agreement,” she added. Lebanon’s Minister of Defense Yaacoub Sarraf said “the implementation of this project will lessen several financial burdens from the treasury and will open doors before the youth to find job opportunities that lessen the spreading unemployment and accomplish the limitation of environmental pollution.” Lebanon’s Army Commander, Gen. Joseph Aoun commended the efforts of the LAF’s Directorate of Engineering and showcased the developmental role of the army at the levels of the nation and the institution.