Statement of Special Coordinator Derek Plumbly after meeting Interior Minister Nohad Mashnouk
Beirut, Lebanon
Tuesday, 29 April 2014
I had a very good meeting with Minister Mashnouk. We discussed different aspects of the humanitarian situation as it relates to refugees and host communities and our efforts to encourage burden-sharing and greater international support for Lebanon.
I congratulated him on the initiative he had taken to bring relief to Tufail. I congratulated him as well, very warmly on his efforts and the efforts of his ministry and the security forces to ensure the success of the security plan in Tripoli and in the Bekaa. We also discussed UN cooperation with the ministry in preparing for parliamentary elections. Of course, we are all focused at the moment on the presidential election process, on which, as I have said before, we are all concerned that it should be completed successfully within the timeframe set by the constitution, but it is also important that Lebanon be ready to complete the other key part of the democratic process, that is to say the parliamentary elections and I know that the minister shares that concern.
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