Statement of Special Coordinator Derek Plumbly after meeting Prime Minister Tamam Salam
Beirut, Lebanon
19 September 2014
Good Morning, I just had a good meeting with the Prime
Minister. We discussed the preparations for the ministerial meeting of the
International Support Group for Lebanon that will be taking place next week in
New York at the invitation of the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.
Its objectives are to give political support to Lebanon
and highlight its needs with regard to the army’s capabilities and the need to
speed up assistance as much as possible, as well as the needs of the Syrian
refugees and host communities and of the Government to address economic and
other costs arising from the tragic war in Syria.
We discussed also the situation in the region as well
as issues related to security. Sunday is
the International Day of Peace and I take this opportunity to encourage
everyone to reflect then on what they can do for stability and for peace in
Lebanon. I would encourage them also to stand in solidary with those who have
suffered as a result of war, the refugees and those who are defending Lebanon
against the impact of war, the army and security forces and particularly the
families of those who died or have been taken hostage.
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