Press releases

  • 18 Sep 2018 - The Secretary-General welcomes the agreement reached on 17 September between President Erdogan of Turkey and President Putin of Russia to create a demilitarized buffer zone in Idlib region, which should avert a full-scale military operation and provide reprieve for millions of civilians. The Secretary-General calls all the parties in Syria to cooperate in the implementation of the agreement and ensure safe and unimpeded humanitarian access in all areas through the most direct routes.
  • 01 Sep 2018 - We regret the United States’ decision to provide no further funding to UNRWA, which provides essential services to Palestine refugees and contributes to stability in the region. The US has traditionally been the largest single contributor to UNRWA. We appreciate its support over the years.
  • 29 Aug 2018 - The Secretary-General is deeply concerned about the growing risks of a humanitarian catastrophe in the event of a full-scale military operation in Idlib province in Syria.  The Secretary-General once again reaffirms that any use of chemical weapons is totally unacceptable. The Secretary-General urgently appeals to the Government of Syria and all parties to exercise restraint and to prioritize the protection of civilians.
  • 25 Jul 2018 - The Secretary-General strongly condemns the terrorist attacks in Sweida city, Syria, today. He is appalled by the utter disregard for human life displayed by ISIL.  The Secretary-General expresses his condolences to the families of the victims of the incidents and wishes those injured a speedy recovery. Those responsible for the attacks must be held accountable.  
  • 21 Jul 2018 - I am gravely concerned over the dangerous escalation of violence in Gaza and southern Israel. I deeply regret the loss of life. It is imperative that all sides urgently step back from the brink of another devastating conflict. I call on Hamas and other Palestinian militants to cease the launching of rockets and incendiary kites and provocations along the fence. And Israel must exercise restraint to avoid further inflaming the situation.
  • 12 Jul 2018 - United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres today (Thursday) announced the appointment of Major General Stefano Del Col of Italy as Head of Mission and Force Commander of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL).
  • 06 Jul 2018 - The Secretary-General is gravely concerned by the resumption of the military offensive in southwest Syria and its continued devastating impact on civilians. An estimated 750,000 lives are in danger and up to 325,000 people have been displaced. The Secretary-General fully supports today’s statement by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi. As the custodian of the 1951 Refugee Convention, he is the authoritative voice of the United Nations on refugees.
  • 29 Jun 2018 - The Secretary-General is deeply alarmed by the military offensive in southwestern Syria and its devastating toll on civilians. He calls for an immediate cessation of the military operations. The Secretary-General recalls that the southwest area of Syria is part of a de-escalation agreement agreed between Jordan, Russia and the United States in Amman in July 2017, and calls on its guarantors to uphold their commitments.
  • 14 May 2018 - The Secretary-General is profoundly alarmed by the sharp escalation of violence in the occupied Palestinian territory and the high number of Palestinians killed and injured in the Gaza protests. Israel security forces must exercise maximum restraint in the use of live fire. Hamas and the leaders of the demonstrations have a responsibility to prevent all violent actions and provocations.  
  • 13 May 2018 - The Secretary-General congratulates the people of Iraq on the holding of parliamentary elections on 12 May. Following the military defeat of Dae'sh, the elections represent further progress in building a stronger Iraqi democracy. 
